Leadership, motivation and work stress: influential factors in the family business Ventura Dolls


  • Jorge Arturo Velázquez Hernández Profesor – Investigador de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración Campus Amealco - Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


Team, stress, leadership, motivation, processes, systematization


Currently, the leadership maintains a very important role in the management of the businesses because the organizations and people have the need to have a guide to direct their actions and functions within the company and motivate them no matter the size, turnover or origin of the business, because everyone necessarily needs a leader. This research focuses on a family artisan company where 71.4% of employees are women and 28.6% are men. These are facing a growth in the demand for products that they offer, which necessarily implies analyzing different factors, for example; leadership, systematization of processes, organization chart, sales and purchases, which require immediate attention, since it will affect the operations of the entity. The text aims to demonstrate that leadership, motivation and work stress are factors that will be present in any company, and before this, 66.6% of respondents argue that the assignment of responsibilities is not fair, and 33.4% say that if they agree with the functions they perform. Also, with respect to the level of work stress, 83.3% of the selected sample says that although the responsibilities are not properly delegated, their level of stress is medium, and 16.7% say that their stress is too high.

It is convenient to highlight that a leader should focus on improving the capabilities of his work team and look for ways to motivate his employees avoiding at all costs the work stress. In addition, emphasis must be placed on the correct assignment of the new responsibilities that will be presented, communicating effectively and efficiently changes in the current structure to ensure maximum use of available resources.


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How to Cite

Leadership, motivation and work stress: influential factors in the family business Ventura Dolls. (2019). CINA RESEARCH, 3(3), 5-13. https://journals.uninavarra.edu.co/index.php/cinaresearch/article/view/209