Flujo de trabajo
The Revista Navarra Médica accepts manuscripts in Spanish and English and considers for publication a wide variety of scientific contributions, including original articles, review articles, reflection articles and case reports, all of which undergo a rigorous peer-review process. The journal also receives other types of publications, such as critical perspective articles, letters to the editor and reviews; the latter are not peer-reviewed, but are reviewed internally to ensure their quality and relevance.
All manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial assistant who will validate compliance with submission requirements. Once this occurs, it will be sent to the editors who will review it and issue a first concept; which may be approved for peer review or rejected. Once the manuscript has passed the first stage, reviewers will be assigned according to the thematic area.
The papers will be submitted through a double-blind refereeing process guaranteeing the identity of the authors and the evaluators, who, through the journal's platform, complete the respective evaluation guideline. The evaluation concludes with an opinion that indicates whether a manuscript is: Accepted, Accepted with minor modifications, Accepted with major modifications, or Rejected.
In case of divergences between the opinions of the evaluators, the manuscript is sent to a third evaluator and with this third opinion, the editorial committee makes the decision to reject or send the article for modification. The evaluators are academic experts in the subject, external to the editorial committee.
If modifications are suggested, the author should send the manuscript duly adjusted in the time designated for this purpose. If the manuscript has been rejected, the author(s) will be informed in a letter of the reasons for the decision and the suggestions made by the reviewers. The author(s) will be asked to refrain from resubmitting the manuscript, since it will not be considered for publication if resubmitted.
Once the manuscript is accepted, authors are sent a letter of acceptance of their article with the name of the issue and volume in which it will be published.
Subsequently, the article will be prepared for publication and the author will be sent the pre-print version, where the author must review this document and send his approval; in case of any suggestion by the author, the document will be adjusted and sent again for its respective endorsement. Approved articles will be published on the journal's website and may be freely consulted and downloaded.