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Author Guidelines

Revista Navarra Médica is a biannual periodical publication (2 issues per year) in open access electronic format, led by the "Centro de Investigaciones e Innovación UNINAVARRA - CIINA", of the Fundación Universitaria Navarra - UNINAVARRA.

It is a wide-ranging journal, its objective is the dissemination of original research results, of theoretical and practical significance, aimed at researchers, academics, and students of national and international universities.

Revista Navarra Médica considers for publication works framed around knowledge of Health Sciences.

The journal accepts manuscripts in Spanish and English and considers for publication: original articles, review articles, reflection articles, case reports, critical perspective articles and letters to the editor.

All manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial assistant who will validate compliance with the submission requirements. Subsequently, the manuscript will be sent to the editors who will review and issue a first concept, approved for peer review, or rejected. Once the manuscript has passed the first stage, reviewers will be assigned according to the thematic area. Papers will be submitted through a double-blind refereeing process guaranteeing the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

Once the manuscript has been peer-reviewed, the authors will be informed of their opinion, which may be accepted, accepted with changes, or rejected. If modifications are suggested, the author should send the adjusted manuscript within the designated time. If the manuscript has been rejected, the author will be asked to refrain from resubmitting the manuscript, which will not be considered for publication if resubmitted.

Once the manuscript is accepted, it will be prepared for publication. The pre-print version will be sent to the author, where the author should review this document and send his/her approval; in case of any suggestion by the author, the document will be adjusted and sent again for its respective endorsement. Approved articles will be published on the journal's website and may be freely consulted and downloaded.

Submission of manuscripts

For manuscript submission, except for letters to the editor, the use of the established template is recommended.

Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word and should be accompanied by: Letter of originality and assignment of copyrights and the Main page. The document should be set up in letter size, normal margin, including continuous line and page numbering. The font should be Cambria 12 point with 1.5 line spacing. Italics should be used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); and all tables and figures should be placed in places in the text, instead of at the end. Figures should be in original jpg or png format, if not, they must have permission from the author to be used or cite the source.

Main page

Title: in Spanish and English, it should be concise and concrete. No abbreviations should be used, and its length should not exceed 20 words.

Authors' names and affiliations: indicate the first and last names of each author and make sure they are given in the correct spelling. Include the institutional affiliation by means of a numerical superscript at the end of each author's last name. The same number should precede the institution's data. Indicate the country and e-mail address of each author. Finally, the link to the ORCID of each author. The use of CRediT (Collaboration Roles) is suggested for the order of co-authors (+info).

Correspondence author: indicate who will be responsible for receiving correspondence during the entire process of evaluation and publication of the article, as well as after its publication.

General structure of manuscripts

All manuscripts submitted to the Revista Navarra Médica must contain the sections described below:

In Spanish and English, concise and concrete. The use of abbreviations should be avoided, and its length should not exceed 20 words.

This section should be included in all types of studies except the letter to the editor. It should be presented in Spanish and English. It should be structured through headings where it provides the context or background for the research and should mention its purpose, the basic procedures (selection of subjects for the study, observational and analytical methods), the main findings (providing specific effect sizes and their statistical significance, if possible) and the main conclusions. Emphasis should be placed on new and important aspects of the study or observations. Do not use abbreviations or references in this section.

Include a maximum of 6 keywords after the abstract, avoiding general terms, plurals and multiplicity of concepts (such as the use of 'and' or 'of'). Abbreviations can only be used as keywords if they are firmly established in the specialty corresponding to the article. It is suggested to use the list of the descriptors DeCS, in Spanish, and MeSH, in English; accessible at: and respectively.

Development of the document
According to the type of document submitted, this section will vary. 

Acknowledgments (optional)
Place acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the manuscript and before the bibliographical references. Do not mention them elsewhere in the article. Include those who collaborated in the preparation of the article or financing of the research.

Sources of funding
State the sources of funding. It is not necessary to include detailed descriptions of the program or type of grant or award. When funding is from a regional or national grant, or resources from universities or other research institutions; include the name of the institution or organization that funded the study.
If no funding has been received, please include the following sentence: "This research has not received specific support from public sector agencies, commercial sector or non-profit organizations.

Conflict of interest
All authors should disclose any financial and personal relationships with other individuals or organizations that could inappropriately influence their work. If there is no conflict of interest, the following should be declared: "Conflicts of interest: none".

The citation format is the one accepted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editor (ICMJE) in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Vancouver standards). List only the sources mentioned in the document. Citations should be organized according to the order of appearance in the text by identifying them with Arabic numerals in square brackets at the end of the corresponding sentence or the last name of the author consulted - [1] -. The minimum number of references used will vary according to the type of article. It is recommended to include DOI numbers. Examples can be found in the following links:

Figures and tables
Figures and tables should be identified progressively with Arabic numerals according to the order of appearance (figure 1, figure 2; table 1, table 2). Their location should be mentioned in the body of the document. Each figure and table should have a brief title describing it at the top and the respective font should be indicated at the bottom; in addition, tables should be set in Cambria 10-point font size, single-spaced. Any abbreviations used in tables should be defined in the table legend. Photographs of individuals must cover part(s) of their face to protect their anonymity, otherwise the author must send a copy of the letter of authorization for publication.

Types of articles

Original articles

Empirical works related to any aspect of research in the different areas of knowledge in the form of scientific work, with the following sections: abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, and conclusions. The length of the text will be 3000 words. In addition, a structured abstract in Spanish and English of no more than 300 words, 4-6 key words and between 20 to 40 references should be included. In addition to the text, up to a maximum of 8 figures and tables will be accepted. The maximum number of authors recommended is 6. However, the number of previous authors may eventually be accepted as long as the participation of all is demonstrated. Authors will not be included or withdrawn after approval of the material.

Review articles
This type of manuscript may be commissioned by the Editorial Committee. Authors who spontaneously wish to collaborate in this section should previously consult the editors of the journal. They will be reviewing papers on relevant and current topics in different areas of knowledge with the following structure: abstract, introduction, development, and conclusions. The maximum length of the text will be around 3500 words. In addition, an abstract of maximum 200 words (in Spanish and English), 4-6 key words, and a maximum of 60 bibliographical references should be included. Up to 6 figures or tables will be accepted. It is advisable that the number of signatories does not exceed 5.

Reflection articles
The purpose of this section is to present the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. It is not necessary that the text is formally structured, but it must keep the narrative logic (introduction, development of the experience and conclusions). The maximum length of the text will be 2500 words. In addition, a summary in Spanish and English of a maximum of 150 unstructured words and 4-6 key words should be included. A maximum of 20 references should also be included. Up to 4 figures or tables will be admitted.

Case reports
Cases that represent an important contribution to the knowledge of the physiopathology, or other aspects of a clinical process. Also, cases framed in administrative and managerial areas. The structure of these papers will be the same as the original ones: introduction, clinical case or cases, discussion, and conclusions. The maximum length of the text will be 2500 words. An unstructured abstract of 150 words in Spanish and English, 4-6 keywords, and a maximum of 20 references should be included. A maximum of 4 tables and/or figures may be included. The maximum number of authors recommended is 4. If procedures were performed on human beings or animals, it should be explicitly stated that the ethical principles for medical research on human beings of the Declaration of Helsinki (2013) and any other applicable national regulations were respected, duly referenced, and that the study was approved by the ethics committee of the institution or institutions where it was performed.

Letters to the editor
They will refer to papers published in the journal and will provide opinions, observations or experiences that, due to their characteristics, can be summarized in a brief text. The maximum length will be 1200 words, not including the abstract. A maximum of 10 bibliographical references will be admitted. The maximum number of authors will be 3. 2 figures and/or tables will be admitted.

Opinion pieces written at the request of the editors. Their length shall not exceed 1000 words. Its subject will be related to original articles published in the journal or to topics of general interest. A maximum of 10 bibliographical references should be included. Figures and tables should not be included, except in special cases where they are essential to improve the understanding of the text.

Other sections
The journal includes other sections (jurisprudential lines, special articles, bibliographical reviews, critical perspectives) whose manuscripts are requested by the editors. Authors who spontaneously wish to contribute to any of these sections should consult the editors of the journal beforehand.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements:

Provide your ORCID code, if you do not have this it is mandatory to create it.
The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the comments to the editor).
Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal > Submissions.
The document is set in letter size, the typeface is Cambria at 12 points with 1.5 line spacing. All figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end. Figures are in jpg or png format, they are original and if they are not original they have the author's permission to be used.


The reviews section is dedicated, preferably, to scientific publications in the field of medicine and general public health. Reviews are expected to offer a critical and rigorous evaluation of books, articles, reports or other relevant works, highlighting their contributions, limitations and relevance in the academic and professional field. Likewise, contributions that promote reflective analysis and debate on current and emerging issues in these disciplines will be valued.

Privacy Statement

The personal data collected by the Navarra Médica Journal, will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it referring to the process of application, review and publication of manuscripts and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

The Journal is subject to Agreement 002 of December 28, 2018 of the Founders Assembly, which includes the Policy Manual for the Treatment of Personal Data of the Fundación Universitarua Navarra - UNINAVARRA, which is available on its site web