Prevalence of obesity and overweight in nursing students


  • Sandra M. Bocanegra Ramos Fundación Universitaria Navarra – UNINAVARRA
  • Maira A. Oñate Oñate Fundación Universitaria Navarra – UNINAVARRA



Obesity, overweight, habit


Obesity and overweight are conditions that have been affecting the human being, with a great increase for the 21st century, where the level of education has been reported as a factor that reduces the risks of obesity, given that more education is it is possible to recognize the conditions that cause alterations in health, and, therefore, the risks of obesity. Nursing students represent a different scenario in terms of obesity and overweight, given the extended hours, the academic load and physical activity. This review aims to know the prevalence of obesity and overweight in nursing students in Colombia and the world, in the years between 2013 and 2018. The prevalence of obesity and overweight in nursing students in Colombia was relatively lower than the international indexes. However, the values ​​obtained are worrying because, although nursing students must know the repercussions of bad eating habits on their health, there are still cases of obesity and overweight in them.




How to Cite

Bocanegra Ramos SM, Oñate Oñate MA. Prevalence of obesity and overweight in nursing students. Rev. Navar. Medica [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];5(2):45-53. Available from:

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