Contextual analysis of childhood and adolescence in the municipality of Neiva. A Lifecycle and Rights-Based Approach




Vulnerability, Lifecycle, Childhood, Adolescence, Law , Rights


Background As a member of the United Nations, Colombia ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991, committing to ensure the recognition, guarantee, and protection of the rights of children and adolescents at all levels and agencies.

Objective The purpose of this analysis is to disclose the reality of children and adolescents in the municipality of Neiva, considering both the life cycle perspective and the rights approach.

Methods The study employed quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory research using a cross-sectional design with a randomized sampling of 383 homes in the municipality of Neiva in 2019.

Results The sociodemographic description revealed that most of these households were located in the urban area, specifically in communes 6 and 8. In these residences, a total of 678 children were registered, classified by gender and subsequently subdivided according to their life cycles. 19% of the children were within the life cycle of 0 to 5 years of age, while 18% of girls were in the 6 to 12 years range. The vulnerability index (IVS), based on household stratification, determined that 16% of the population does not present vulnerability, while 42% is slightly vulnerable and another 42% faces high vulnerability, particularly in communes 5 and 9.

Conclusions The child population was found in a state of vulnerability. These findings provide significant data to governmental and academic institutions, emphasizing the need to promote educational initiatives, training programs, and technical assistance aimed at various political and institutional actors. The above-mentioned is essential to reduce child vulnerability rates.

Author Biographies

  • Juan David Bonilla Esquivel, Clínica EMCOSALUD, Neiva, Colombia


  • Henry Leonardo Narváez Uribe, Fundación Universitaria Navarra



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Original Articles

How to Cite

Bonilla Esquivel JD, Narváez Uribe HL. Contextual analysis of childhood and adolescence in the municipality of Neiva. A Lifecycle and Rights-Based Approach. Rev. Navar. Medica [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];7(1):5-18. Available from: