Demographic characterization, risk factors and outcomes in patients with postpartum hemorrhage, 2016 - 2022 in a referral hospital in southern Colombia




Postpartum hemorrhage, Risk Factors, Morbidity, Hysterectomy


Objective: To present the demographic profile, the interventions applied and maternal outcomes in women who experienced postpartum hemorrhage in a medium complexity hospital in Neiva, Colombia.

Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective cohort study was conducted, involving 142 postpartum women with a diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage, attended in a public health institution between January 2016 and December 2022.  The sampling was non-probabilistic by convenience, and the information was obtained by reviewing clinical records as a secondary source.

Results: A considerable proportion of the patients (42%) were between 19 and 25 years old. Vaginal delivery was used in 59.7% of the cases. The main cause of postpartum hemorrhage was uterine atony, responsible for 65% of the cases. Red blood cell transfusion was required in 57% of the patients. Fifty-seven percent also required admission to an ICU; however, 35% were admitted because of the concomitant presence of severe preeclampsia, treated with magnesium sulfate, and all of them experienced PPH due to atony. Only 18% of cases required surgical intervention, and a total of 21 patients underwent hysterectomy, of whom 7 initially received conservative surgical management. No maternal mortality was reported.

Conclusions: uterine atony was the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage; the main risk factors for an adverse outcome, such as hysterectomy, included placenta previa, placental accreta, and deliveries attended at that health care center.

Author Biographies

  • Paula Andrea Cortés Ávila, Universidad Surcolombiana

    Médica residente de Ginecología. 

  • Paula Alejandra Perdomo Morales, Universidad Surcolombiana

    Médica residente de Ginecología.

  • Juan Javier Vargas Polanía, Universidad Surcolombiana

    Médico ginecoobstetra. 

  • Héctor Leonardo Perdomo, Universidad Surcolombiana

    Médico ginecoobstetra, Subespecialista en medicina crítica y cuidado intensivo.


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How to Cite

Cortés Ávila PA, Perdomo Morales PA, Vargas Polanía JJ, Perdomo HL. Demographic characterization, risk factors and outcomes in patients with postpartum hemorrhage, 2016 - 2022 in a referral hospital in southern Colombia. Rev. Navar. Medica [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];10(1):3-16. Available from:

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