Experiences of medical specialty students on their quality of life and well being: Bogotá (Colombia)


  • Luis Antonio Daza Castillo Docente investigador, Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas
  • María Camila Mejía Guatibonza Investigadora Centro de Investigación, Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas
  • Luis Gabriel Piñeros Ricardo Vicerrector Académico, Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas.
  • Aníbal Alfonso Teherán Valderrama Investigador Clínico, Escuela de Medicina, Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas




Estrés, Satisfacción Personal, Educación Médica, Adaptación Psicológica


Introduction: intrahospital rotations are essential in medical training at the clinical specialty level; poorly reported in the literature is the impact of this experience on self perceived well being and quality of life. Objective: to describe the perceptions of well being
and quality of life a group of medical resident’s experiences about themselves. Method: a descriptive phenomenological study is based on groups developed in three subgroups of clinical specialty students selected by convenience sampling. Results: from a structural
perspective, the well being deficiencies that lead to academic stress in students during their medical residencies are mostly associated with inconsistencies in the IES IPS medical institutions relationship, the interpretation of the teaching assistance agreements, and the low conversion of the traditional hospital institution toward innovative "hospital school" models. Conclusions: the residents recognize the experience as an opportunity to enhance their quality of life and perso nal well being in the long term, at the cost of sacrificing these in the short term. Affecting work life balance emerges as the most common experience in
the group.

Author Biography

  • Luis Gabriel Piñeros Ricardo, Vicerrector Académico, Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas.

    Vicerrector Académico, Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas.


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How to Cite

Daza Castillo LA, Mejía Guatibonza MC, Piñeros Ricardo LG, Teherán Valderrama AA. Experiences of medical specialty students on their quality of life and well being: Bogotá (Colombia). Rev. Navar. Medica [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];6(1):41-53. Available from: https://journals.uninavarra.edu.co/index.php/navarramedica/article/view/226

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