Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Latest Concepts. Epidemiology, Prevention and Handling


  • Juan Sebastián Cortés M.
  • Laura Sofía Trujillo P.
  • Laura Margarita Tello M.
  • Dagoberto Santofimio S.



HIV-AIDS, Pre-exposure, Post-exposure, Prophylaxis, Vaccine, Antiretroviral


HIV is recognized in 1981 when a growing group of homosexuals were immunosuppressed in New York and California. In Colombia the first case was filed in 1983 in Cartagena. HIV is a virus of the retroviridae family. It destroys immune cells and alters their function.

HIV is a health problem that has major repercussions and more concern about the prevalence and mortality numbers of increase in the last decade, and the treatment that is available, is not affordable for all people.

HIV is a conical condition that is not cured, but with the right treatment can prolong the life span and improves its quality, thanks to the fact that after 30 years of the virus epidemic, antiretroviral treatment has advanced a lot. Has improved the effectiveness, it has been achieved that the viral load is undetectable in 90%. In addition, treatments are now well tolerated by patients and with fewer side effects.

The best way of prevention is primary with the use of bar methods which achieves a success of 96%, but if there is accidental exposure, the use of prophylaxis of the possibility of preventing infection as long as it is done quickly.

The target for 2020 according to UNAIDS is to diagnose 90% and be treated, to reduce the number of new infections.

It looks for a new drug less toxic and with the same effectiveness.

Transplacental contagion is also a matter of concern, and in this sense, progress has been made to the point of being preventable.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis to HIV is a new preventive tool consisting of the administration of antiretroviral drugs to HIV negative people, with considerable risk practices, to reduce the likelihood of acquiring the infection.




How to Cite

Cortés M. JS, Trujillo P. LS, Tello M. LM, Santofimio S. D. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Latest Concepts. Epidemiology, Prevention and Handling. Rev. Navar. Medica [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];4(2):5-13. Available from:

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